My Hand

Are you starved for connection?

Aigner Loren Wilson
2 min readFeb 23, 2021
Photo by Nsey Benajah on Unsplash

How long has it been since you touched someone else? Maybe you live with a partner or your family, but have you hugged your friends? Given a stranger a high five just for the hell of a sunny day?

When was the last time you embraced a new friend, old lover, grandparent, sister, brother, aunt, nana, mommom, Pop-pop, uncle, father, mother? If you’re like me, it’s been more than a year.

As the days slip on through my fingers, I find that I have become a new coil of sensation. What touch means has become something different. I may not be able to run my nails along your palm in excitement and frustration, but I can tell you that I am thinking about you.

That I can see you and know that you ache to be held.

Take my hand:
Strong, unbroken.
The fingers:
with minimal signs of bone.
The palm:
Lines running
left to right,
North to south,
Inspecting and dissecting
each other
with intelligent malice.



Aigner Loren Wilson

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